I am saddened by the loss of Monty Hardy on a very personal level; of course, the loss extends to all who perished. I moved back to Texas 5 years ago and met Monty within a few weeks one Saturday morning. Monty became more than a weekly visitor to me. On those occasions when I was actually home, Monty and I would always enjoy a few minutes together, and over the years I began to regard him as a friend. Those who never met him missed a real gem of a guy. My heartfelt sympathies to Monty's family and close friends. He was a sincere, happy, nice and deeply devoted member of his hall. He will be missed.
Jim Fletcher
JoinedPosts by Jim Fletcher
Four die out in service in Texas
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land ina real tragedy here yesterday; regardless of our feelings about the religion itself, we lost some good friends and genuinely nice people yesterday; these were some of "the good ones"--why is it always them??.
southlake four people died saturday after their car flipped over into a six-foot-deep pond in southlake, police said.. just before 11:20 a.m. saturday, the toyota sedan drove through the intersection of lonesome dove road and burney lane, crashed into a metal fence, hit a tree, and landed upside-down in a pond on the grounds of a mansion.. "they came through this stop sign and, from eyewitness accounts, they never slowed down," said neighbor byron copeland.. copeland said the residents of the property raced to try and help.